Social Media was the 3rd party in our lives
I had an epiphany over the weekend. I realise I have been in a trance. My online social media life was taking over everything. I was...
Social Media was the 3rd party in our lives
Composition - Why it’s the most exciting thing about painting.
My Art Studio + One year as a Full Time Artist
Online Course Underway, Mixed Media Art Haul & Kristy Rice
Finding style vs finding yourself
Craving a summer garden, intuition & a bit of a ramble.
Winter Vacay!
Everything Everywhere All At Once
Yoga & Painting - How both are intertwined and make me feel alive in their own unique ways.
Wow 2023 is really here now
A wrap of 2022!
5 ways art has improved my mental health
When can I call myself an artist?
Art has replaced my friends
Painting and Flow state / Meditation / Trance!
Yoga or Art
My first blog post! woohoo!